Sunday, July 6, 2014

I Said Yes! My Marriage Proposal...

Please Note: For my past followers & hopeful new followers who have known me as Chloe Moon, a name I've always real name is Melanie. =) 

For those of you who are curious...This was the blogpost from my previous blog about the day Craig and I became a couple:

Melanie's Randomness - Craig and I became a couple - 2010

More to follow tomorrow...

Love always, 
Chloe Moon (aka Melanie) 


  1. Woo hoo!!! I love it. Congrats, girl!

  2. amazing! Huge congrats...that is the sweetest video ever and I am so happy for you:) xoxo

  3. Oh my goodness that is SO exciting, congratulations lady!

  4. totally put a smile on my face! congratulations to you! wishing you loads of sunshine and happiness

  5. OMG - YAY!!!! Congratulations to you both, I'm really happy for you guys!!!! :)

    (btw this is Wendy I used to blog at Young Heart)

  6. Trying to get back into BlogSpot after a long time hiatus (except for sporadic posts here and there!) Congratulations! :D

  7. This is one of the most perfect post I have read in a while, I so much love all the way all your vital points are outlined. Keep up the good work.


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